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Samurai Dojo available NOW!

2022-06-30 by David

After our release of the small-sized Market Stall set in the spring, today we're going BIG with another large building model for the samurai collection. The new Samurai Dojo set is now available for download!


  Samurai Dojo  


Let's take a look.....

▲ It's a large building - approximately 30cm (12"), and with the accessories outside you can even spread out into the surrounding area!

▲ Our dojo master (a great model from Perry Miniatures), surveying his domain...

▲ I left off the sliding screen doors at the rear in this photo, to allow the large opening to be used for archery target practice.


Strictly speaking, those heavy straw targets would typically be put under cover to protect from rain (thanks for the heads up, Leslie!) ... you might try the temple wall sections for that purpose, if you leave off the stone bases?

▲ With the large tiled roof removed, you can see the wide playable interior of the dojo building.

▲ I decided to leave the paper off my sliding doors, to make the interior more visible. It would also increase airflow for those hot training sessions, I guess?

▲ As you can see, you could practically host an entire battle inside the dojo and on the surrounding balcony!

▲ The tatami mats on each side make a great contrast with the hard wood flooring of the sparring area.

▲ Here's a close-up look at the archery end of the dojo. Kyudo would normally be practised from just inside the opening, or on the balcony. I attached a bow rack to each side of the doorway, and the bows themselves are usually finished in black laquer.

▲ The opposite end of the dojo is full of great accessories - we have an empty weapons rack on the left, a rack full of naginata spears in the centre, and another rack of bamboo kendo practice swords on the right.


▲ Two large taiko drums frame the stage area, which also features a samurai helmet and mask on an ornate wooden box.


The scroll on the back wall (which says "bushido") is sculpted onto the wall section, and the kanji characters are inset into the paper - so you can easily brush ink or black wash into the right patterns.

"You!! Get in here! You're late!"

▲ The stage area makes a great studio backdrop for photographing your miniatures!

The new Samurai Dojo set is now available for download from today!


  Samurai Dojo  

Tags: samurai  release 


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