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<< Painting the samurai pond
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Samurai Pond available NOW!

2019-08-04 by David

Well, I ran out of BOTH water effects liquid AND time for this ˜­, but they're finished enough to take some pretty pics for you! I'll go back again after a short vacation, and add another layer of resin water.


The Samurai Pond is officially available for download today!


  Samurai Pond  

£ The big pond (printed at 170% size), in all its multi-coloured glory!


* Incidentally, I would recommend printing the pond at 0.1mm layers, if you have the time! I printed these at 0.2mm layers (because they were prototypes, essentially) and some of the rocks have quite shallow sloped top surfaces - which, as you can see, would have looked better with a finer print resolution! So please excuse my print lines!! ˜³

£ The smaller sized pond (100% size), with a very happy little turtle.

£ The fish, half submerged in resin water effects, give the scene some real "life"!

£ The ninja's looking at you ‘€ ..... Can you find him before he strikes?!

£ I'm quite pleased with how the turtles turned out too! Simple to paint, but look great.

£ A wealthy samurai's house and gardens. And shiba dog keeping guard!

£ Princess Pinkako, probably wondering where the dog's gone.....

£ Printing the pond at 170% covers an area over 21cm wide, and I'm really looking forward to deadly duels across the waters....


The Samurai Pond is officially available for download today!


  Samurai Pond  



Tags: samurai  release 

1 Comment :

2019-08-06 (Tue) 1:38AM

Looks really sharp.

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