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Printing the Soaring Eagle Shrine

2019-10-20 by David

We've been slowly printing out the first of the Eldari terrain pieces, brought to you in partnership with flobble - the Soaring Eagle Shrine!



£ This is the CG render of the shrine building, which is ideal for representing a Swooping Hawks warrior shrine in games of Warhammer 40,000.


As you can see, some of the projecting sections are complicated shapes, and will require supports....




£ The bottom section, in particular, is a very complex shape. So we have re-cut the bottom piece into two halves, to ensure that as much of the model as possible is flat to the print bed, while also minimising the impact of join lines.


This was a process of trial and error, with the nicely-printed version shown above actually being the 4th (!) attempt. The first three attempts all failed when supports started coming loose and knocking into each other. So if you look at the photo above, you'll see that actually only the extreme edges of the two "wings" (shown left and right) need supports for their bottom edges.




£ In this side view of the same piece, you can see I also let Cura (slicer software) add supports to those long bridges. Your printer might not need these, depending on how well it copes with arches, but I thought it better to be safe than sorry.


The rest of the sections need minimal supports, and these should not add much print time at all. After some quick assembly with superglue, this was the finished building.....



£ Yep, it's a biggie! The shrine building stands 280mm (11") tall and approximately 220mm (9") wide, from wingtip to wingtip. I've added a Dark Reaper for scale.

£ As you can see, the strangely organic, slightly asymmetrical shape of the building really helps to give it an Eldar/Aeldari feel.

Those four doors halfway up the walls can be modelled open or closed if you prefer. I chose to glue them closed and this completed building will be hitting the paint desk this weekend for a release next next!!!

Tags: eldari  printing 


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