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Samurai Card Box available NOW!

2020-02-02 by David

A cool little gaming accessory for you, the Samurai Card Box, is now officially available for download!


  Samurai Card Box  

£ Each box is a simple two-piece print, with the bottom and top printed separately. Two patterns are included, with fewer or more metal corner pieces.

£ I printed 3 boxes, because I seem to have accumulated quite a few card packs for Test of Honour!

£ The first box was the simplest design, with fewer corner pieces and no clan crest, so I painted this up with washes and simple drybrushing as an old wooden box, with blackened metal corners.

£ My second box featured more corner pieces, and I added the crest for Clan Yamato (also known as the Inperial Crest). I painted this quite simply, in black with gold corner pieces, and then sprayed it with a gloss varnish to simulate black lacquer.

£ The 3rd box was the most fun to paint, because I'd never tried verdigris weathering before. After the red was given a coat of gloss varnish, the corner pieces were painted first in dark brown/black, then given a few scrapes of Tin Bitz (dark coppery metallic). Then I watered down some jade green, washed it onto each piece and immediately wiped most of it off with a tissue. I'm quite happy with how this red lacquer box came out!

The card box is available for download from today!


  Samurai Card Box  


Tags: samurai  painting  release 


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