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Designing the samurai shops

2023-02-07 by David

Here's a new set of modular terrain for the samurai collection... SHOPS!!!


Have you ever wanted to fight a battle amongst the busy streets of a samurai town, dashing around and inside a variety of shops and trading stores? Well, we've got just the set for you!


Work is almost complete on a large set of shop buildings, and these ones are modular! The basic building is a two-storey wooden shop, with a massive selection of wall types and accessory sets.

▲ This photo shows the kind of scene you'll be able to create with this set. There are 3 wall types for the first level, plus 5 different frontages. The second levels have 3 wall types too, plus 5 or 6 different frontages. The fronts on both levels can be fitted with a variety of windows, too!


There are even 2 different heights you can use for the second level, so you can have a low storage room on the second floor, or a full-height room. The roof can be either tiled or wood, weighted down with rocks. A small projecting roof at the front of the shop, to protect customers from the rain, is also available in tiled or wood types.



Here are 3 different building examples for you to take a look at....

▲ This is a good example of how different the shop buildings can look, with a variety of building heights, wall and roof types, and signage on display. Let's take a closer look at each example...

▲ This shop has a low second storey, with a grill window under that overhanging roof, and more windows at street level. A short length of noren curtain is hanging in front of the sliding doors, and a small wooden sign is hanging on the post on the left.

▲ This is perhaps the fanciest of the three example shops, because it has a full-height second storey, with a tatami mat room inside. Next to the long barred window on the second storey is a small paper sign with a roof, and the roof at the front has a large wooden sign on top.


This shop also features two large projecting display windows, and a large paper shop sign outside. The lantern can be fitted with a small LED bulb to light it up.

▲ Finally, we come to the third example shop, which features a wooden roof weighted down with rocks (to prevent it flying off in typhoons). This shop has sliding doors along the length of its front, and a large fabric sign on the right.



As you'd expect the set comes with loads of options for signage - large wooden signs, small wooden signs, two types of paper box sign, normal and oversized noren curtains, large fabric signs, two types of paper lanterns, an option for wooden menu plaques on windows, and even a paper sign lantern suitable for LEDs!


Both floors of the building are fully detailed (with connecting stairs between the levels), and you'll be able to choose from 8 accessory sets for the interior and exterior of your shop:

  • Pottery shop accessory set
  • Rice trader accessory set
  • Tea shop accessory set
  • Cloth shop accessory set
  • Musical instrument shop accessory set
  • Sake (alcohol) shop accessory set
  • Umbrella shop accessory set
  • Toy shop accessory set


Phew! That's a lot of stuff! So basically, it's a fairly HUGE set of modular shops, and I can't wait to get test printing soon....


Tags: samurai  design 


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