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Necrontyr Landing Pad available NOW!!

2018-04-27 by David

A big THANK YOU to everybody who has been patiently waiting for the Necrontyr terrain! Today, the first of our Necron-themed terrain pieces goes on sale. Go on, go and download it NOW!!


  Necrontyr Landing Pad 


Back already? Yes, that's right - your download should be active as soon as payment is made, and you can get printing straight away!


So here are some pics of the finished landing pad.....

£ Ned the Necron standing on the completed landing pad, basking in the green glow of the LED lights! These were actually a string of tiny green LEDs that I found in a local shop, which gave a nice, even coverage of the cut-out symbols on the pad's surface.

£ As you the camera lifts to a higher angle, you can really see how effective the cut-outs can look with underlighting. It's worth those hours eagerly waiting for the print, I promise...

£ Top view. No Necron monolith could ever miss that pad on a dark night!




£ Ned is a very happy Necron!


Tags: necrontyr  release 


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