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Roof stands for ninja models - FREE download!

2024-04-27 by David

Have you ever played a game of Test of Honour where you REALLY want to see your ninja assassins creeping across rooftops, and raining down throwing knives on the heads of your enemies? But you can't, or risk the models toppling off the buildings and getting damaged?


Well, today we have a quick solution for you - roof stands!! These are simply negative versions of the roof shapes we use on our samurai buildings, and are designed to snugly fit the slopes and give your models somewhere to balance safely.


▲ Useful in skirmish wargames such as Test of Honour for doing sneak attacks like this, and they fit 25mm round bases perfectly.




▲ Type 1 is designed for fancy roof tiles, such as those found on temples, shrines and castles (like the photo above). It should fit curved and straight roof shapes.

▲ Type 2 is designed for simple roof tiles, such as those found on standard Japanese houses (like the photo above). You might need to mirror the stand, depending on whether your roof tiles go left-to-right, or right-to-left.

▲ The "fancy" roof stands are on the left, and the "simple" roof stands are on the right.


These files are available for FREE download, from our Thingiverse account:


Tags: samurai  release  free 


2024-04-28 (Sun) 3:45AM

Great addition, David! Definitely a very usable tool for gaming! Got my download:)

2024-04-28 (Sun) 5:27AM

Fantastic! We were just talking about how to figure a way to have ninjas climb the outside of the Castle. Any chance that we´ll see a set for thatched roofs as well. Making ones for the roofs with the rocks would be tricky.

David (3DAlienWorlds)
2024-04-28 (Sun) 7:14AM

I looked at the thatched roof models too, but they're just too steep, I'm afraid. Sorry!

2024-04-29 (Mon) 23:53PM

Would it be possible to get a large one for the tile roofs; one that would support a 60mm multi-base for Test of Honour?

David (3DAlienWorlds)
2024-04-30 (Tue) 7:22AM

Instead of a massive 60mm, why don't you temporarily split them onto 3 small ones? It'll look much better!

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