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Adding LEDs to Necrontyr Objectives

2018-06-28 by David


For the new set of Necrontyr Objectives, I wanted to add some green LEDs to the inside of each, which would hopefully be bright enough to see even in strong daylight.

£ At the local 100 yen shop (dollar store) I found these small LEDs in the bicycle section, which are intended to be strapped to your arms and legs at night, I think.


I pulled off the velcro strap, and found that the clear plastic holder was slightly too big to fit inside the objectives. So I decided to 3D print some specially designed holders....

£ This is the design I worked up in about an hour, designed to fit the small circuit board of the LED and battery.

£ A snug fit!

£ And with the cloudy white rubber cover dropped into place over the top, our light is finished!


£ The "feet" of the LED holder are designed so that they can be used diagonally and fit entirely inside the objective, or can be rotated slightly like in the photo above, so that the body of the objective is lifted up by 2mm to allow some LED glow to escape underneath too!




£ Here's an example of the objective being lifted up by 2mm on the feet of the holder - but this will probably look a lot better in a dark room!




£ And here's a pic of the objective rotated to sit flat to the tabletop.



I think the next job will be to add some cloudy plastic over the cut-out symbols, to diffuse the light a little.....


Tags: necrontyr  LED 


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