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High Elf house printed

2019-01-05 by David

Happy New Year to all of our customers, old and new!! 2019 should be a brilliant year, with plenty of new designs coming for our Necrontyr and Samurai ranges, plus the start of a couple of new terrain ranges - one for fantasy and one for sci-fi gaming!


Talking of new stuff, this is what's been printing over the last week or two....


£ Our High Elf house, built as a foamcard and beer glass model (yes, really!) several years ago has been given the 3D modelling treatment, and will be joining our growing ranges of 3D printable terrain very shortly.

£ The main building is two levels high, with the separate tower stretching up to a third level. All levels can be separated for easy storage and gameplay.

£ The rear of the main house features this cute little balcony with a stone bench below it, and a multitude of high-elf-inspired design touches.

£ Both buildings feature wrap-around elven text between first and second levels, but you'll have to wait for the painted photos for some close-ups!

£ Front and rear steps are gracefully textured with gentle stone surfaces, and doors and windows feature intricate and flowing lines.

£ With the roof removed, you can see that the interiors are also detailed, with realistic woodgrain flooring and windows and doorways.

£ The second level of the main house features this half-mezzanine level, which neatly slides up to give your models access to the raised ground floor.

£ A spiral staircase connects the two levels, and would work well painted as stone or wood.


£ Apologies for the poor clarity of this photo, but hopefully you can make out the wood floor and interior doors (and windows). The tower levels are connected with trapdoor access modelled into the floor.


This large model will be hitting the paint desk soon, but will be available for download even sooner than that - we don't want to keep you waiting too long!!



Tags: highelf  printing 


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