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Battle Report: Ambush! It's time for another Test of Honour battle report!! Today we are playing the Ambush scenario, as a chest of gold coins is transported under heavy guard.   Where will the ambushers strike?â– ...

Battle report : Prisoner Escape! Welcome to another Test of Honour battle report, our favourite skirmish-level samurai miniature game!   Today we are playing a night scenario, with one samurai imprisoned in the castle managing ...

Lord's House battle report pics! We recently played our first game on the massive new Lord's House battleboard, and I thought some of you might like to see a few of the photos?â–² We thinned out the terrain slightly, by removing o ...

Samurai battle report - Mayhem at the Market Time for a game of Test of Honour!   Still my favourite ruleset for skirmish games in a samurai setting, this time we decided to play the "Unexpected Clash" scenario from the rulebook. The temp ...

Battle report : Murder at the Shrine! I've been looking forward to playing a game across the new shrine board, so this time I pulled out a special scenario from the Test of Honour rulebook - "Last Stand". Unlike most of the scenarios ...

Samurai Battle Report - Blood Wedding Wow - have we got a BLOODY battle report for you today!   This month's game was a special story based on the Test of Honour "Attack at the Shrine" scenario. In the rulebook scenario, one sa ...

Castle attack table Apologies for the gap in blog posts - I've been busy painting houses, but not at 28mm scale - just an actual house! Painted it blood red, too! haha   Today I thought you might like to see s ...

Samurai Battle Report - The Spy! v2 This is the 3rd time I've played this Test of Honour scenario, and every single time it's been an absolute blast. So when we got the chance to play face to face after months of virus-related h ...

Samurai Battle Report - Rescue! This was another via-Skype game, as we finally reach the end of the Test of Honour 6-part basic campaign! Today's game was "Rescue", and involved the largest forces we had used so far."Word has re ...

Samurai Battle Report - The Spy! We haven't been able to do our regular monthly game days here in Japan recently, so we've been playing a few games via Skype! As long as both players have the dice and tokens with them, it wor ...

Samurai Battle Report - Escape! Here at our local club Test of Honour is a popular samurai-themed skirmish game, and last weekend we pulled out all the stops (and ALL the terrain!!) to create a massive 6x3' themed table. However ...

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