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Castle lighthouse is available NOW!

2024-08-02 by David

Need to protect your feudal Japanese realm from rival forces? Why not invest in a Samurai Lighthouse to warn local troops of would-be attackers? Or just.... guide ships safely past your shores... I guess?


  Samurai Lighthouse  

▲ This is a model of the small lighthouse found in the grounds of Kokura Castle, Fukuoka prefecture. It's a slightly more recent addition to the traditional castle, dating to the beginning of the Meiji period (1868~), but matches the rest of our castle range perfectly.


It's a quick and easy print, and works well on a castle-themed or coastal-themed board, as well as a game objective that needs to be captured or held.



▲ The lighthouse measures 210mm tall, and 120mm wide, and can be fitted with CR2032 (3V) batteries and LED lightbulbs, commonly found in cheap LED tealights. 


For the top section, you can insert thin white paper to diffuse the light bulb, or the solid version file can also be printed in vase mode with thin walls on white filament.

▲ Here's the Kokura Castle lighthouse this model is based on. Pretty cool little building, eh?

▲ The Samurai Lighthouse is available for download from today!


  Samurai Lighthouse  

Tags: samurai  release 


2024-08-02 (Fri) 19:00PM

I like what I see. Would it be possible to get the lower roofsection without the supports? It would be easier (for me) to print it with self adjusted supports.

David (3DAlienWorlds)
2024-08-02 (Fri) 19:23PM

Thanks, Harry. The lower roof section doesn't have supports included as part of the file, so you can add and adjust supports in your slicer software as suits you best.

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