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Samurai Lighthouse

 Samurai Lighthouse

Samurai Lighthouse

This is a model of the small lighthouse found in the grounds of Kokura Castle, Fukuoka prefecture. It's a slightly more recent addition to the traditional castle, dating to the beginning of the Meiji period (1868~), but matches the rest of our castle range perfectly. It's a quick and easy print, and works well on a castle-themed or coastal-themed board, as well as a game objective that needs to be captured or held.


The lighthouse measures 210mm tall, and 120mm wide, and can be fitted with CR2032 (3V) batteries and LED lightbulbs, commonly found in cheap LED tealights. This lighthouse does not include an ON/OFF switch, but the batteries can be easily pulled out to switch off the light.


For the top section, you can insert thin white paper to diffuse the light bulb, or the solid version file can also be printed in vase mode with thin walls on white filament.


* Samurai warrior models not included. Batteries and LEDs not included.


Related blog articles:

  1. Designing the lighthouse
  2. Printing and assembling the lighthouse
  3. Castle lighthouse available NOW!!


This product will be delivered as a .ZIP file pack containing STL files for use on a home 3D Printer. The files are set to 28mm scale but can be rescaled before printing.

  • All of the parts of this file can be printed on a 3D printer build plate of 150mm x 150mm (125mmx125mm for models released ~2023).
  • All parts have manifold (3D-printable geometry) and have been test printed.
  • Models designed for 28mm (1:64 scale) wargaming, but can be resized for other scales on your printer.
Samurai Lighthouse

$6.00 (USD)

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